Monday, 9 November 2020

Going hunting.

This term I have been doing Native writing. First I had to write the plan. Then I write it. Then I did a drawing. I found it easy to do the plan.   

Tuesday, 20 October 2020


This week I've been Learning word Mayhem. Mayhem Means A situation of great confusion disorder trouble or destroution.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


This week I have been learning the word tinker.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Slide Slam

I have been learning to make new words by adding a letter or a blend to a word family. I found it easy because I knew a lot a of words. Next time I will do the same.

Thursday, 3 September 2020



This week I have been learning to solve arrays by useing multiplication. It was esay because I could figure it out in my head by skip counting.the amount of groups.


This week I had to do some writing about a boy that got a present and it was a dog that he didn't like then he did. I had to retell the story by watching a video. I found it easy to make the picture.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020



This week I learnt the word flit. Flit means to fly place to place fast. 

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Worthwhile maths

Worthwhile maths is when we need to figure out the maths .This week we needed to make a pattern then we needed to say what the next shape would be a red square then a blue circle then a green triangle.

Reciprocal Reading

Reciprocal reading is how we learn to be the summariser, predictor, Leader, clarifier and the Questioner. The clarifier tells people what the word is if they don't know what it means. The Leader leads the group and keeps everyone on track. The predictor tells what might happens in the story by using the picture and title. The questioner asks some questions about what we've read. The summariser summarised  what happened. I'm working on the summarising because I find it hard to summarise what I have read.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020


This I week I learnt the word vast. Vast means it is huge or a big area.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Maths arrays

This week I did repeated addition using arrays. Arrays use columns and rows.


I have been doing some writing about the way back home. I had to watch a video. Then I had to write about it. A boy made a rocket ship then went to space and had to figure a way back home.

Monday, 10 August 2020


This week I learned the word avid.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Vocab Ativtey

This week I learned the word ecstatic and what it means.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Crase pepole

We are learning what makes a quality blog comment . I have made a comic strip showing how a comment can affect a person’s feelings when they read it

Vocab Activity

We have learnt the word cease mean's to stop what you are doing.I had to make the word with cool text then I made a picture.

Thursday, 2 July 2020


This is my second animation it was fun I had to choose a background then I had to make my own charters. I made three but there wasn't enough room because they would just go on each other so I just put one in then another one.

Monday, 29 June 2020

My Bubble Writing

I made this by wevideo this is what i did in lockdown. I got photos off my drive to make it. I wrote it down  then I read it into my wevideo.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Maths scavenger hunt

Today i did a maths scavenger hunt i have to find 2 pencils a blue pen 5 blocks 2 coins then i have to take away 3 blocks  4 socks 2 stuffed then i had to find 8 crackers then eat 4 of them then i had to find 3 spoons then 4 books a orange .

Thursday, 7 May 2020

My lego creation

Today i toke a photo of the creation that was made from lego i made it last year it is a huover craft.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

The tree getting cut down.

 Today the man came to cut the tree becuase some of it was nearly toching the power line. They had a machine that turned it in to little bits of wood and then it went into the back of the truck.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

My drawing

I made a army drawing.   and i made two robots a skate board a motorbike that has gun on the front a tank that has guns all over it.   I made the motorbike because and put a gun on it because the  army  could dress up like a bad guy and then there can aim it at a bad guy then  shoot at them.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

My creation

I made a creation  out of a cardboard tube and some plastic and a piece of paper and two egg cartons. I used PVA  glue to stick it all together.

Sunday, 19 April 2020


I went to the beach and found a jellyfish. It was  brown and a little bit grey. I thought  it came from the sea.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Easter cupcakes

We made easter cupcakes. we put green icing and mini eggs on them. they were good.


In the holidays i did some sciense and made a catapult plane. To make my plane i used  cadboard and paper and a paperclip. The video is about me trying to hit my target.

Friday, 17 April 2020

At the beach

I  made a sand castle in the 3 photo.In the 2 photo i was eating cookies on the motorbike. In the 1 photo i was siting on a big piece of driftwood.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Kawa of Care

We have  learnt the kawa of care. The picture means to not put your chrome book on the floor. 

Thursday, 12 March 2020

My Art

I painted my art green, blue, red and  yellow. Then my teacher took my photo. It was fun because I got to make a picture.  I dyed it.